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How to Transition from the SNOO to a Crib

The SNOO is a smart bassinet designed by Dr. Harvey Karp - from Happiest Baby on the Block -  that includes a constant rocking motion, white noise, and a strapped in swaddle that soothes babies to sleep using Dr. Karp’s very successful 5 S’s of Baby Sleep. According to Happiest Baby, babies can use the SNOO until they have maxed out on the weight and height limits and they recommend transitioning from the snoo to a crib around 5-6 months old. But many parents find themselves at a loss for how to stop using the SNOO, or wondering how long to use the SNOO, especially when it is working well.   

Like all baby products, there comes a time where it’s time to move on and transitioning from the SNOO to a crib can seem like a difficult change! The thought of moving your sweet little one away from something that is helping them sleep through the night can seem daunting and overwhelming - but it doesn’t have to be! Before you even move baby to their crib, there are things you can do to help make the transition out of the bassinet a little less intimidating and, if you’re ready for personalized help, our custom baby sleep consultations will set you up with a certified sleep consultant to support you through every step of moving your baby out of the SNOO.

Before you move your baby to the crib

If your baby has been using the smart bassinet since birth, and especially if they are sleeping well in it, the transition to sleeping in a crib can be nerve wracking. This is the only place they have known to sleep outside of the womb and the idea of changing that does feel intimidating. Don’t worry! While any change will come with some resistance, there are three things you can do to make the transition easier.

When you are beginning to move your infant from the SNOO to the crib, make the crib a happy place for your baby! Play in there, sing songs to them, practice supervised tummy time, play peek-a-boo - the more play you can get in there, the less scary the crib will feel. Start small with just a few minutes and work your way up. For more ideas, check out our post about 5 ways to help your baby stay calm in their crib.

Have a solid bedtime routine! A routine helps  babies know what to expect when it comes to sleep, and it is very comforting to them to have the same routine every time they go down for bedtime or naptime. If you have a solid bedtime routine in place that your baby can recognize while using the SNOO, this is something they will grasp onto when you are making moving baby from the bassinet to the crib. .

Continue to use white noise. The SNOO has built in white noise that is surrounding your baby while they sleep. Use a sound machine near their crib, whether they are in their own bedroom or room sharing, and make sure it is loud enough! 

Making the Transition from the SNOO to the Crib

When to move your baby from the snoo into their crib depends on each family. We at Sleep Baby feel that the earlier you can move your baby to their own crib, the easier the transition will go. When you are ready to get your baby out of the SNOO, start by using the weaning mode for a few days. This will use the SNOO motion when your baby is upset, but won’t constantly rock them. Your baby will become more comfortable sleeping without movement and motion.

After a few days of using the SNOO weaning mode, you can move your baby in their own crib - still use the swaddle of your choice if they’re not rolling or, if they are, it is time to move to a sleep sack! This can be a challenging transition for some babies - they are learning how to sleep with a lot more freedom than they have ever had! Have a consistent approach for how you are going to respond and know what they need.We would love to help walk with you through this transition! Our team of sleep consultants are experts at working with babies as they move from the SNOO to the crib and we have worked with hundreds of families making this same change.

Stay consistent! Babies thrive off consistency and like to know what’s coming! The more they can practice in their crib, the better and quicker the transition to the crib will go. At this age babies also learn quickly how to “wait you out” and, if there isn’t consistency during the transition, it can lead to more crying and less sleep for everyone.

Should We Get a SNOO for Our Baby?

If you haven’t had your baby yet, or you have a newborn and are wondering if you should buy a SNOO, let us encourage you that it isn’t something you need in order for your baby to be a great sleeper! We feel strongly that you can teach your baby to be an incredible and independent sleeper without the SNOO. Our team of sleep coaches will help make it even easier for you! The SNOO is helpful to many parents but isn’t an option for many more. If you’re sticking with a traditional bassinet don’t worry! You can still use the 5 s’s of baby soothing to as your baby transitions from the womb to their crib and we think you might even enjoy that bonding time with your baby as you get to know each other.

Moving out of the SNOO and into a crib can seem scary and overwhelming. It doesn’t have to be! At Sleep Baby Sleep Consulting we have worked with many families as they stop using the SNOO and would love to help you too. We have a team of certified sleep consultants who are trained to help parents teach their little ones how to sleep soundly all night long and take great naps. Our custom consultations come with texting and email support so that we can continue to coach and encourage you as your baby works through the transition out of the SNOO into their crib. Send us an email today or check out our sleep consulting packages to learn how we can help!  

Author: Camie Vanderbush is a certified pediatric sleep consultant with Sleep Baby Consulting and is passionate about helping families enjoy parenthood. She is a mama of a sweet little boy and wants to build healthy families and bonds through lasting independent sleep habits. Camie lives outside Denver, CO and works with clients worldwide to teach their little ones how to sleep all night. She would love to get to know you and your family - email Camie here to get your baby sleeping soundly tonight!