Sleep Baby - Infant and Children's Sleep Consultant

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Getting out of the house with your twins

Getting out of the house for the first time with your new baby always feels intimidating but, with twins, it can feel impossible, even for veteran moms! Just packing the diaper bag is overwhelming!

We are huge fans of encouraging people to *just try it!* Worst case it's a fail, but you've still gotten the first time out of the way and the next is bound to be easier. If you're prepping to get out of the house with multiples, or just one, we have a few tips to make it easier though!

1) Go someplace easy. It might be your favorite Target or just to meet a friend for a walk in the park. My tip - make it somewhere loud so that, if one of your babies cries, you won't feel so stressed about people being bothered by it.

2) Wear the babies (or at least one of them). Tandem baby wearing is the sweetest but, even if you just wear one, it's great to have your hands free while keeping them close and you don't have to try and fit two carseats into a shopping cart. Bonus - people are less likely to touch them.

3) Keep your expectations low. That first time might feel like a fail but just getting out of the house with twins is a BIG victory! Go somewhere quick and expect at least one person (maybe mom) to have a meltdown and be pleasantly surprised when you all make it home for their next feed and a long nap.
You can do this! We're here cheering you on and, if you need a pep talk first, just send us an email!