Sleep Baby - Infant and Children's Sleep Consultant

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The 4th Trimester

What is the 4th Trimester?

The term the fourth trimester was coined by Happiest Baby on the Block (and Snoo creator), Dr. Harvey Karp, the 4th Trimester refers to the first 3 months of a baby's life when they are adjusting to life outside of the womb and you are adjusting to life as a bigger family!

These months are full of learning and new things for both mom and baby and can kind of feel like a tangled mess. One minute you are so in love with your baby and the next you're sobbing on the floor wondering what happened to your life. There is joy and difficulty in each moment and it often feels like you've lost your way.

How does the fourth trimester impact moms?

So many moms feel alone during this time! You’re learning how to take care of a brand new baby (maybe on top of other kids too) and often neglecting yourself. You aren’t able to do the things that you’ve loved and this season feels never ending. You aren’t alone. You are not the only mom who has ever looked up and thought ‘what have I done to my life?” I spent hours rocking my newborn son and wondering why this was so hard and if it was ever going to end. Now, 8 years later, I can say for sure that the hard season came to and end.

The 4th trimester is a time when your baby’s body is going through TONS of development. I don’t know if this is true but, I have heard it said that babies cry more in their first 12 weeks than in the rest of their first year. Whether or not that was true for your baby, the fact that they are adjusting to a whole new world, way of eating, way of sleeping, and more still stands.

Surviving the first three months of your baby’s life.

Give yourself and your baby lots of grace. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself to meet a certain standard or achievement. If you’re spending your days on the couch snuggling your babe, you’re doing great! We love to encourage parents that this is a time you need to take care of yourself too. Find ways to work in a shower. Sleep whenever you can. Get takeout or use paper plates to save yourself from all the dishes. Get to know your new, sweet baby. Give them ALL the snuggles and smell their sweet, newborn smell. You’ll find a routine with time!

For more newborn tips and advice that you can layer in as you feel ready - our Virtual New Baby Bootcamp is like the manual you wish had come home from the hospital with your baby! We talk about how to get to know your baby and their needs and manage all of the new. You can do the fully virtual version or add on a phone call with one of our baby sleep consultants in the New Baby Bootcamp + package.

Have questions and want to talk to a real, live sleep consultant? Email us here! One of our team will be in touch shortly.